Docker + systemd-network Surprise

1 minute read

How’d We Get Here?

Started off simple: Migrate my DigitalOcean Ubuntu droplet (RIP upstart disaster) to Arch Linux. Seemed simple enough after I found the digitalocean-debian-to-arch repository. The Debian 8.1 to Arch script worked seamless and even setup systemd-network for me. Nice, been looking for an excuse to play with systemd-network.

Turn For the Worst

Except it seems that systemd-network doesn’t quite play well with docker. The default eth0 network file setup by the migration script (rightfully) doesn’t enable the new IPForward or IPMasquerade options built in to systemd-network. The result: Docker turns on IP forwarding and masquerade, and systemd-network turns them off as Docker containers and associated interfaces are brought up and down. One minute a container is connected, the next it’s not. This blew my mind for an hour or so until I realized IPv4 forwarding was being mucked with. Sigh.

What about IPv6? That’s just full broken. According to this article:

In IPv6 you can't control forwarding per device, forwarding control has to be done using IPv6-netfilter (controlled with ip6tables) rulesets and specify input and output devices (see Firewalling/Netfilter6 for more). This is different to IPv4, where you are able to control forwarding per device (decision is made on interface where packet came in).

Systemd tries to do that instead of modifying net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding. Lennart Pottering commented on the systemd-devel mailing list suggesting it was never tested.

From my docker-openvpn container development work, I can confirm that changing the net.ipv6.conf.$IFACE.forwarding value has no affect. Least it doesn’t break it, but it doesn’t enable IPv6 forwarding either.

The Fix

Add IPMasquerade=yes to the file. Thanks to a recent pull request, this is trivial to add to /etc/systemd/network/template/

Problem solved. Now if only I could regain the hour or so I wasted learning this.
