Use imapfilter to filter SPAM - part 2

4 minute read

Update 2013.06.17

The python wrapper to fork and restart imapfilter is no longer necessary with upstart configured properly. See updates below.

Issues with imapfilter

  • No built-in support for feeding messages to a filtering service like spamassassin.
  • No mechanism for storing user name and password in a secure key chain.
  • Doesn’t gracefully handle server errors when in daemon mode.


  • Spamassassin’s spamd is setup and working. Using spamc for mail filtering is significantly faster then invoking the standalone spamassassin client. Users are welcome to attempt to replace spamc with spamassassin, in most cases it should work, but I haven’t tested it.
  • A Linux distribution with GNOME Key Ring setup and working on user login. Additionally the DBUS session needs to be exported so that other processes can use it. I added the following to the end of my .bashrc: Ignore the following, instead use upstart as described here. Original clumsy code follows for historical completeness only:

    if [ "$DISPLAY" = ":0.0" -a -n "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ]; then
            if [ ! -r "$DBUS_SESSION" -o "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" != "$(cat $DBUS_SESSION)" ]; then
                    echo "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" > $DBUS_SESSION
  • An IMAPv4 server that supports the IDLE command.
  • A server side filter that delivers all new email to an “Unfiltered” folder for processing.

Expected Operation

The whole thing should happen approximately like this:

  1. The python script is run.

    Update: An upstart job starts imapfilter.

  2. Python daemonize itself and the parent returns immediately.
  3. The python child directly calls imapfilter.
  4. Imapfilter starts up, starts executing the code in config.lua.
  5. Config.lua tells python to invoke for access to the key ring.
  6. talks to GNOME key ring over DBUS for the user name and password.
  7. Config.lua sets up the account table and enters the forever loop.
  8. Forever loop does the following after connecting to the server:

    1. Checks the “Unfiltered” folder for unread messages. If it finds them it does the following:

      1. Downloads the messages in chunks of up to 32.
      2. Forks up to 10 processes in parallel that pipe the messages to spamassassin using spamc.
      3. Scans the result for the “X-Spam-Flag: Yes” flag. If the spam flag is found, the message is moved to the Spam folder. Otherwise the message is moved to the “INBOX” where my mail clients expect it.
      4. The original message in the “Unfiltered” folder is now marked as read so it isn’t processed again.
    2. Check the “Unfiltered” folder for messages older then 14 days and delete them.
    3. Check the “Spam” folder for messages older then 60 days and delete them.
    4. Check the “Spam/False Positives” folder for messages and feed them sa-learn for Bayesian HAM learning.
    5. Check the “Spam/False Negatives” folder for messages and feed them sa-learn for Bayesian SPAM learning.
  9. When imapfilter exits due to a server error, the python wrapper waits 30 seconds and upstart starts it again. Back to step 4.

Setting up imapfilter

  1. Install imapfilter, for Ubuntu (13.04 for this writing) it’s as simple as:

    $ sudo apt-get install imapfilter
  2. Next the imapfilter code needs to be setup, I have a repo setup with most of the tools needed:

    $ git clone ~/.imapfilter
  3. Clone the Lua library that handles piping data to spamassassin:

    $ git clone ~/.imapfilter/lua-popen3
  4. Setup your key ring:

    $ cd ~/.imapfilter
    $ ./ keyring set
    Username: <your username>
    Password: <your password>

    You can verify your key ring configure by launching the GNOME key ring utility.

  5. Copy accounts.lua.sample to accounts.lua and set the server name in accounts.lua:

    $ cd ~/.imapfilter
    $ cp accounts.lua.sample accounts.lua
    $ vim accounts.lua

Test It

Run imapfilter -v to launch imapfilter and see if the configuration is working.

Running ~/.imapfilter/ should launch the python script. The python script will fork itself and then launch imapfilter. Watch ~/.imapfilter/imapfilter.log for errors.

At first there may be server or authentication issues, so be ready for them.

Fix the problem. No telling what could go wrong.


Use upstart user sessions to autostart imapfilter everytime the user logins to their desktop.

After all the bugs are worked out with the wrapper, GNOME session can autostart the wrapper. To setup the autostart, create a file under ~/.config/autostart/imapfilter.desktop with the following:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_US]=Start up imapfilter
Comment=Start up imapfilter
I'm not sure if the autostart desktop file allow variables like $HOME or shell expansions like ~. I specified the absolute path, so make sure you replace <user> on the Exec line.

Spamassassin Tweaks

  • Spamassassin needs at least 200 ham and 200 spam messages to enable Bayesian filtering. Place 200+ spam messages in the False Negatives folder and 200+ ham messages in the False Positives folder and imapfilter will do the rest.
  • I had to setup non-forwarding DNS entries for and for the “free for mot” providers. This is due to the standard caching DNS servers I’m using making too many requests and becoming blocked. To fix this query the server directly using your own IP rather then through an ISP caching DNS server. See uribl’s about for more details. Using dnsmasq on my gateway router this is as simple as creating a /etc/dnsmasq.d/resolv file with:

    # Our upstream server typically gets banned due to excessive queries
    # for spamassassing blacklists, so query this directly
  • I lowered my required score from 5.0 to 4.2 in ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs to allow Bayesian filtering with 99% probability to tip the required score scale. After 1 week+ and several hundred messages it hasn’t delivered a false positive.

Other Things?

I’m sure I forgot a few steps while writing this. I’ll try to update it later if I think of it or if people post comments with issues.
